Your COVID-19 Communication Checklist

In the COVID-19 era, clear, timely communication with families and staff is more important than ever. Many districts are creating dedicated webpages on their school and district websites with critical information regarding evolving COVID-19 policies and distance or hybrid learning plans. We created a a checklist and example COVID-19 communication page to help you get started with yours.
What a School COVID-19 Webpage Should Include
Your school website should play a central role in any school emergency communication plan. The school website is the first place parents go to check for updates on school closures, safety plans and policy changes.
Your COVID-19 page should be as comprehensive as possible, so it gathers all the important information families and staff are looking for in one central place. Your page will vary depending on state and local policies and the specific needs of your community, but it may include the following.
1. Schedule Information
Is your school going to be reopening with a 100% in-class schedule, 100% distance learning, or a hybrid schedule with some days in class and some days at home? Make sure everyone knows when and where they are supposed to be, every day of the week. Be sure to include:
The expected schedule for the beginning of the school year (in-school, at-home, or hybrid).
For in-school days, the start and stop time
Pickup and drop-off protocols
Availability of after-school programs and extracurricular activities on in-school days
If using a hybrid schedule or “pods” to limit exposures, how students will be assigned into groups and what the schedule is for each group.
The criteria that will be used to switch from one model to another (e.g., to move from an in-school schedule to at-home learning, or vice versa).
2. Online Learning Instructions
If your school will be using a distance learning or hybrid model, is offering an optional distance learning model, or anticipates needing one as a back-up plan, make sure students and parents know what to expect. Be sure to include:
The online learning schedule
Where to find materials and assignments
Expectations and grading policies for online learning
How to opt in for 100% online learning where this is provided as a choice
3. Technology Support
Make sure that families have the technology support they need to successfully connect to learning from home. This section should include:
How to check out a tablet or laptop for at-home learning
Technology specifications for family/student-owned devices used for at-home learning
Where families without internet access at home can find help (mobile hot spots, local internet provider programs for low-income families, etc.)
Who to call for tech support if they are having problems connecting to school resources
4. Safety Requirements for Students, Teachers and Staff
What safety policies will students, teachers and staff be required to follow? Include information for:
Mask wearing requirements
Social distancing requirements
What to do if a student/teacher/staff or a family member has COVID or symptoms of COVID
Directions for local COVID testing
5. Safety Precautions Taken by the School
What steps has the school taken to keep students and staff safe? These might include:
Changes in class sizes
Modified scheduling to reduce crowding in hallways and common areas or to keep students in smaller “bubbles” for contact tracing
Testing or tracing protocols
Improvements in ventilation
Increases in cleaning frequency
Availability of hand sanitizer and/or additional handwashing stations
Availability of disposable PPE
Closing the school to volunteers and visitors
Other safety precautions recommended by local health authorities
6. Free Meals and Community Supports
During this time, schools have become a natural hub for centralizing support for their communities, including but not limited to free meals. This section might include:
Instructions for picking up free meals for students on a hybrid or distance learning schedule
If you are also providing meals for siblings, family members or others in the community, include instructions and eligibility requirements
Links for childcare options for children of essential workers during distance or hybrid learning
Links to community organizations providing additional services, including mental health services, food assistance, rent and utility assistance, housing support for families who have become homeless, and other available services
7. Special Situations
Make sure you address the concerns of families and staff with special considerations. For example:
If you are in a distance or hybrid learning scenario, is there an option for 100% in-person instruction for children of essential workers?
If you are operating in a 100% in-class or hybrid model, is there a distance learning alternative for medically at-risk students or students with at-risk family members?
How will the needs of special needs students, including students on IEPs, be met under each of the learning models?
8. Key Contacts
Include contact information for the key people families should expect to communicate with about COVID plans, contingencies and special situations.
Who at the school will answer questions about the coronavirus plan?
Are there different staff members for different types of questions?
Who should they expect to contact them if their child has been exposed to COVID while at school?
9. Updates
Where should families look for changes to procedures and schedules? Consider adding a newsfeed block to your COVID-19 page for new, timely information. You may also want to have a mobile communication plan to push critical information out. If they need to sign up for a notification system, include instructions for how to do that.
A Template for a School COVID-19 Webpage
We’ve put together an example COVID-19 webpage to give you some ideas for creating your own COVID-19 webpage. Modify this format to meet the needs of your community!
Note: This template is for general example purposes only. Schools will need to draft specific language that conforms with their district policies and with updated local, state and national health and safety guidelines.
Provide clear instructions on how families can check out a device for at-home learning and get help with internet connection, along with quick links to your most-used learning resources. You may also want to share best practices for at-home learning, such as how much time students of different age groups are expected to connect to learning.
Makes sure families know what they need to do to stay updated with new information about schedules and changing COVID-19 safety plans. You should also have some instructions for families who may have special circumstances, such as parents of medically fragile students or parents who are essential workers.
eChalk Schools: Need Help Setting Up Your COVID Page?
Contact our support team! We can help you set up your COVID response page in about 15 minutes.