NYC Magnet Schools

THEME: Prestige

NYC Magnet Schools Home Page

NYC Magnet Schools Home Page

  • NYC Magnet Schools uses the Prestige Theme to highlight photos from their member schools.

  • The banner prominently displays their logo and values.

  • The announcement carousel above the navigation bar allows them to display important messages.

NYC Magnet Schools Home Page Highlight

  • The values of the Magnet Schools are communicated through a bold full-width photo carousel.

  • A video directly embedded on the home page introduces NYC Magnet Schools in an engaging way.

NYC Magnet Schools Home Page Highlight
NYC Magnet Schools Districts

NYC Magnet Schools School Districts

  • Each Magnet School District has a landing page featuring all of the schools with the district.

  • Each school has its own row, which displays relevant information about the school along with an embedded Google Map.

  • The photos along the left-hand column add visual interest and give a glimpse into each school’s personality.